Monday, October 20, 2008

new holiday items...

i am so excited that the holidays are quickly approaching...i definitely got in the christmas spirit this weekend! hope you enjoy a few of the latest christmas happies!

snowman ornaments

$18 for single snowman, $20 for family snowman

**prices do not include shipping & handling**

see below for additional pricing information

all christmas orders need to be placed by december 1...please!!!


  1. Mere-everything is awesome! You are so creative! I told your mom that the creativity skipped over me to you and your mom....he,he!
    I really like the snowman ornament with the glass in his
    Keep it up, you are going to be very successful!

    Aunt Liz

  2. How in the heck does your mind have so much time to be so creative? These are precious!

  3. Cute reindeer! I think my faves though are the Christmas trees...or the snowman...ha!

  4. my favorite is the whimsy tree and the snowmen orniments. I think (in all your spare time) you should do some kind of artistic looking razorback or tiger (in your case). That would be cool and just in time for football season. Keep up the good work, you are a FANTASTIC artist!!!!!

  5. Again...very cute stuff! I am in love with the doesn't get much cuter than that!

  6. Hey Meredith,
    Our church is going to have a ladies christmas tea on Dec. 6 and they are doing an ornament swap. I thought it would be neat if you could make a quirky ornament design that would fit a ladies tea! Let me know if you have any ideas. I'd rather get one from you then go to hallmark. The canvases you did for us are AWESOME! I've been advertising the heck out of them... hopefully you'll be getting some business from gulf shores!! Let me know what you think about the ornament.

